The first time we walked through our house I fell in love! Of course I didn't think there was any way we would actually be able to buy it, but that is another blog for another time! Built in 1935 it had all the charm and character I wanted and then some. The window moldings the coved ceilings, the arch ways, the tile, I was swooning to say the least. But not unlike most homes built before 1970, the kitchen was small, and closed off. Because at one point in architectural history is was considered rude to let your guest see the kitchen! Oh how times have changed.
I knew we had a big task at hand, maintain all the charm I loved while also creating a more functional and accessible kitchen. Thankfully all those years of architecture paid off. I think we did a pretty good job of balancing both elements, and both Mike and I couldn't be happier with our new kitchen. With a very rough estimate, I can tell you we were able to do it all for under 10,000 and just over 4 months. And that includes, cabinets, furniture, new flooring, paint, drywall, new windows, new hardwoods to match the rest of the house and both our dishwasher and stove. (We also installed all new plumbing and electrical in the whole house while we had the walls open, that was not under ten thousand). And again the blessing of being able to do this remodel right when we moved in is another blog for another day. But let me just say God blessed us beyond expectation, and we are so excited to open our home as often as possible so we can spread that blessing on to others.
So I hope you enjoy our transformation! To the best of my ability I tried to show process pictures and finished pictures from similar angles. If you really want to see the difference bring some dessert, come on over, and I will make you dinner. So thankful to be done, so thankful for an awesome kitchen, so thankful for the able body and knowledge to make it happen, and so incredibly thankful for all the people that helped make it happen!