Recently I was told of an opportunity in the very near future (beginning of June) to take a trip to Rwanda to help an organization with photography and video. I have been doing a lot of prayer recently about how I can use my gift of photography to give back again. When a friend mentioned an opportunity to help ERM Rwanda ( which helps widows and orphans affected by the genocide in 1994 I was instantaneously interested.
As many of you know I went to Liberia in 2012 to do a similar photography project and was there for 3 weeks. I was able to experience amazing things that God was doing with the people and the churches in Liberia and the rebuilding from their civil war. If you didn't see my blog post here is a link to it with some of my photos:
Unfortunately this organization in Rwanda is not able to help me get to Rwanda and is asking me to raise $3,000 for an approximate 3 week trip. That's a lot of money to raise this quickly I understand. The trip would initially be me going to all of the different projects that they are currently involved in and also 1 week with a Kings High School group that is there to serve.
If you would like to contribute please go to and Click "Donate Now" in the top right. Then click "Donate Now" again. Under "Please direct my donation to" please select "Other" and then in the open space please put "Mike Fiechtner - Photographer"
Thanks for anything you can give!